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- Release Notes
- -------------
- This is version 1.08 of the Monster 3D driver CDROM.
- New Features
- ------------
- The new drivers contain several features which make game play more
- enjoyable. The gamma panel has been enhanced along with the technology
- demonstrations.
- This driver has been tuned for Pentium Pro processors.
- Overview
- --------
- The purpose of this release is to provide a central location for all drivers
- provided for Monster 3D. This CDROM contains the latest drivers
- files, the Monster 3D panel files, and the Technology demos.
- Please read the Hardware Installation and Software Installation
- instructions to get the Monster 3D card and drivers on your Windows
- 95 system.
- This release is based on 3DFX GLIDE release number 2.1.1 and 2.3.
- Hardware Installation
- ---------------------
- These installation instructions are for placing the Monster 3D hardware
- board into your PC system.
- 1. Open your computer and find an open PCI slot.
- 2. Remove the back plate from the free slot and save the screw.
- 3. Place the Monster 3D graphics board into that slot.
- 4. Screw the card in.
- 5. Replace the computer chassis.
- 6. Use the pass-thru cable to connect the Monster 3D graphics card
- to your current VGA card. Place the VGA monitor cable into the
- Monster 3D card.
- 7. Power up your system and run Windows 95.
- 8. Continue to Section 1 of the Software Installation if this is
- the first time you have installed the Monster 3D card.
- Software Installation
- ---------------------
- Recommended Installation Order
- ------------------------------
- The following are recommended installation orders for Windows 95:
- Windows 95
- ----------
- 1. Diamond or other Windows 95 Video Controller
- 2. Monster 3D Drivers
- 3. Microsoft DirectX 3
- For the Software Installation if you are looking at the New Hardware
- dialog in Windows 95 then read section 2 of the Software Installation.
- If the Monster 3D card shows up in the ? Other section of the Device
- Manager or you are updating drivers follow the instruction in section 2.
- If you are looking at the Update Device Drivers Install Wizard in the
- OSR pack for Windows 95 then read section 3.
- Software Installation: Section 1
- --------------------------------
- These installation instructions apply when you are updating the Monster 3D
- drivers or the Device Manager shows the Monster 3D card in the ? Other
- section.
- Please follow these steps to get the drivers updated on your Windows
- 95 system:
- 1. Start Windows 95.
- 2. Right-click on My Computer and choose Properties.
- 3. Choose the Device Manager tab and double click on MULTIMEDIA.
- 4. Double click on the Monster 3D PCI Video Multimedia Device.
- 5. Click on the Driver tab and then click the Change Driver... button.
- Monster 3D PCI Video Multimedia Device should be highlighted.
- 6. Click on the Have Disk... button.
- 7. Type the appropriate path to the Monster 3D Windows 95 drivers
- (X:\WIN95 where X is your CDROM drive. Drivers will be copied to
- the appropriate directory.
- 8. After the files have been copied, click the OK button to Restart
- your computer.
- Software Installation: Section 2
- --------------------------------
- These installation instructions apply when you are looking at the
- New Hardware Found dialog box.
- Please follow these steps to get the drivers installed on your Windows
- 95 system:
- 1. Windows 95 displays a dialog box indicating:
- "New Hardware Found - PCI Video Multimedia Device"
- Choose to install drivers from a disk provided by the hardware
- manufacturer.
- 2. Type the appropriate path to the Monster 3D Windows 95 drivers
- (X:\WIN95 where X is your CDROM drive. Drivers will be copied to
- the appropriate directory.
- 3. Choose Yes when asked to restart the system.
- Software Installation: Section 2
- --------------------------------
- These installation instructions apply when you are looking at the
- Update Device Driver Install Wizard.
- If you have the OSR2 or later installed then the Update Device Driver
- Install Wizard is invoked when Windows 95 first runs with the Monster 3D
- card in the system. In this case follow these instructions:
- 1. Windows 95 displays the Update Device Driver Wizard.
- 2. Make sure to use the Yes (Recommended) option.
- Click on the Next button.
- 3. Click on the "Other Locations" button and type the appropriate path
- to the Monster 3D Windows 95 drivers (X:\WIN95 where X is your CDROM drive.
- Drivers will be copied to
- the appropriate directory.
- 4. Choose Yes when asked to restart the system.
- File List
- ---------
- After the Plug & Play install, the following files can be found in the
- Windows 95 system directory (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM):
- File Description
- ---- -----------
- SST1INIT.DLL Dynamic library for SST1 chip
- GLIDE.DLL Dynamic library for GLIDE API
- FXMEMMAP.VXD VXD to control pass-thru mode
- DD3DFX.DRV DirectDraw 2 driver
- DD3DFX16.DLL Direct3D 16-bit driver
- DD3DFX32.DLL Direct3D 32-bit driver
- MONHLP16.DLL Monster 3D help information used in panels
- MNSTRSET.DLL Monster 3D setup panel
- MNSTRNFO.DLL Monster 3D information panel
- _MNSTRNF.LOC Internationalization file for information panel
- _MNSTRST.LOC Internationalization file for information panel
- After the Plug & Play install, the following files can be found in the
- Windows 95 directory (C:\WINDOWS):
- File Description
- ---- -----------
- MOJO.EXE Version program for technical support
- MNSTRTST.EXE Test application for resolution, refresh, and gamma
- CYL1.3DF Bitmap for MNSTRTST.EXE
- CYL2.3DF Bitmap for MNSTRTST.EXE
- SPH1.3DF Bitmap for MNSTRTST.EXE
- SPH2.3DF Bitmap for MNSTRTST.EXE
- Running MOJO.EXE
- ----------------
- Mojo will not run without DirectDraw 2 installed. If DirectDraw 2 is
- not installed then a dialog appears stating that DDRAW.DLL cannot be
- found. To fix this problem install DirectDraw 2.
- Mojo is a version application. It will printout the version information
- about the Monster 3D board. An example follows:
- Virtual Base Address: 0x???????? (depends on system)
- Physical Base Address: 0x???????? (depends on system)
- PCI Device Number: 0x? (depends on system)
- Vendor ID: 0x121a
- Device ID: 0x1
- FBI Revision: 1 or 2
- FBI Memory: 2 MB
- FBI Video Display Type: 0x0
- Scan-Line Interleaved? no
- TMU Revision: 1
- Number TMUs: 1
- C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\GLIDE.DLL 263168 1/21/97 Glide(tm) Version 2.1.1
- C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SST1INIT.DLL 132096 1/21/97 InitCode $Revision: 5 $
- C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\DD3DFX16.DLL 4320 4/16/97
- C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\DD3DFX32.DLL 120320 5/12/97
- Known Limitations
- -----------------
- The known limitations follows:
- Gamma Test in 800x600
- ---------------------
- In 800x600 mode the gamma test tool only displays the two spheres.
- The cylinder and torus do not get displayed.
- This is not a bug. It is a feature of the test tool. 800x600 cannot
- support a Z Buffer due to limitations in the amount of memory on the
- Monster 3D card. Since the gamma tool does not perform software hidden
- surface removal it cannot display the cylinder, torus and spheres
- properly in the same frame without a Z Buffer. Thus the cylinder and
- torus are displayed only when the Z Buffer is available, i.e., in
- 512x384, 640x400 and 640x480.
- Refresh Rate in GLIDE Games
- ---------------------------
- Refresh rate is completely under the control of the GLIDE games.
- However, the refresh selection in the panel sets an MSDOS environment
- variable that modifies the refresh rate according to the user
- selection at 640x480 only. Click the Apply to DOS... check button to
- reboot the system and apply the refresh rate to GLIDE games.
- Gamma Correction in GLIDE Games
- ------------------------------
- Gamma correction is completely under the control of the GLIDE games.
- However, the gamma selection in the panel sets an MSDOS environment variable
- that modifies the red, green, and blue gamma values according to the user
- selection at 640x480 only. Click the Apply to DOS... check button to
- reboot the system and apply the gamma selection to GLIDE games.
- Monster 3D Settings Panel
- -------------------------
- The "Test" button in the gamma area of the Monster 3D Settings panel
- purposely uses 640x480 at 60 Hz. This way the user can test gamma with
- a consistent resolution and refresh rate that works correctly on any
- VGA monitor.
- The "Test" button in the resolution/refresh area brings the display up
- in the selected resolution/refresh using the current selected gamma.
- The "Test" buttons effectively change the settings before running the
- test application. Therefore the meaning of Cancel changes to be the
- last time any "Test" button was used.
- Glide games have control over resolution/refresh and gamma. Thus,
- resolution/refresh and gamma selections in the Monster 3D panel may
- not apply to Glide games.
- Gamma correction does not apply to the following resolutions:
- 512x384 at 85 Hz and greater
- 640x400 at 85 Hz and greater
- 640x480 at 85 Hz and greater
- 800x600 at 60 Hz and greater
- Stealth 64 Video GT Drivers
- ---------------------------
- The S3 968/868 chip contains a bug. The bug in the chip may cause problems
- with the Monster 3D card when running the GT drivers. The bug is that the
- 968/868 states that it requires 32 Meg of frame buffer memory when it
- actually decodes 64 Meg of frame buffer memory on PCI. Sometimes the
- Monster 3D card gets mapped by Windows 95 into the 968 upper 32 Meg of
- decode address. This problem causes a system hang. To duplicate the
- problem or figure out if you have the problem you can run the test
- application MOJO.EXE and if it hangs then you have the problem.
- The fix for this problem is to remap the Monster 3D card. To do this
- follow these directions:
- 1. Download the drivers from the BBS or the WEB. The drivers contain
- two files that can be used to remap the memory addresses of the
- Monster 3D card. These files are DOS4GW.EXE and FXREMAP.EXE. Place
- these two files into your windows directory, e. g., C:\WINDOWS.
- 2. Edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and place FXREMAP.EXE in it. For
- example the following line added to AUTOEXEC.BAT works for most
- systems:
- Direct3D
- --------
- Some games do not find the dd3dfx drivers. They only run on the
- software version of Direct3D or the Direct3D HAL associated with the
- Primary DirectDraw device.
- When running the DirectX SDK applications, you cannot get to the menus
- because the 3DFX Direct3D does not turn off pass-thru mode for a menu
- command.
- Technology Demos and the Joystick
- ---------------------------------
- The 3DFX Flip/Rotate demos will not work properly if your system has a
- joystick port configured without a joystick connected. To remedy the problem,
- either connect a joystick to the port or disable and/or remove the port from
- your system configuration.
- Contacting DIAMOND
- ==================
- ----------------
- Postal Service : Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc.
- 2880 Junction Avenue
- San Jose, CA 95134
- Voice (Main) : (408) 325-7000
- FAX (Main) : (408) 325-7070
- FAX (TechSppt) : (408) 325-7171
- Fax-On-Demand : (800) 380-0030
- BBS (to 28800) : (408) 325-7175
- WWW : http://www.diamondmm.com
- FTP : ftp://ftp.diamondmm.com
- Voice (TechSppt): [M-F 5-7; Sat 8-4 Pacific]
- ISDN Prods : (408) 325-7110
- Fire GL Prods : (408) 325-7120
- General / Other : (408) 325-7100
- Tech Support E-mail Accounts:
- SCSI Adapters : fireport@diamondmm.com
- ISDN Prods : isdn@diamondmm.com
- Fire GL Prods : cad_cam@diamondmm.com
- General / Other : techsupt@diamondmm.com
- CompuServe
- Forum : (type) GO DIAMOND
- DIAMOND - Europe
- ----------------
- Postal Service : SPEA Software GmbH, a Diamond Multimedia Company
- Moosstr.18b
- 82319 Starnberg, Germany
- : Diamond Multimedia Systems Ltd.
- 610 Wharfedale Road
- Winnersh Triangle, Wokingham
- Berkshire RG41 5TY, UK
- Voice (Main) : +49-8151-266 0 (Germany)
- : +44-1189-444 400 (UK)
- FAX (Main) : +49-8151-212 58 (Germany)
- : +44-1189-444 401 (UK)
- Voice (TechSppt)/General:
- : +49-8151-266 330 (Germany)
- : +44-1189-444 444 (UK/English)
- : +44-1189-444 433 (UK/French)
- Voice (TechSppt)/Fire GL Prods:
- : +49-8151-266 336 (Germany)
- : +44-1189-444 446 (UK/English)
- FAX (Support) : +49-8151-266 331 (Germany)
- Fax-On-Demand : +49-8151-266 332 (Germany)
- : +44-1189-444 460 (UK)
- BBS (to 28800) : +49-8151-266 333 (Germany)
- : +44-1189-444 415 (UK)
- BBS (k56flex) : +49-8151-266 356 (Germany)
- BBS (ISDN, x.75): +49-8151-266 334 (Germany)
- CompuServe : GO SPEA
- WWW : http://www.diamondmm.de
- FTP : ftp://ftp.diamondmm.de
- All product names listed are trademarks or copyrights of their
- respective owners.
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- Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc. (c) 1993-97, All Rights Reserved
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